Monday, November 30, 2009

Braving the storm, Bumbos, and Teething

Kris took the day off today. Owen's been a "pre-sitter" for a while now, and I figured it was about time to get him a Bumbo. I've been trying to get items on Kijiji whenever possible, for cost and environmental reasons - re-use being the R with the most impact. Obviously from the picture, you can see that I was successful in my quest. I got this one, and a feeding tray for it, for $45! But, we had to brave the storm to go out and get it. I had a couple of other things I wanted to do as well - pick up some diaper liners, get a new ironing board (ours won't fold properly, so stays out all the time... it adds to the growing clutter in our house). Kris wanted to get Owen some teething toys, as he's been putting things in his mouth, and most of his toys are fabric... not very satisfying. So we also picked up a Sophie the Giraffe, and 2 other grabby, teething toys. We didn't really anticipate there would be such a snowstorm. By the time we were heading back home the roads were pretty icy and a few times on 16th Ave the snow started to blow and we could barely see the car's lights in front of us. We crawled down 29th Street to our house and got home safe and sound.

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