Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Owen rolled over for the first time today. He was on his tummy, doing a "mini-pushup" like he's  been doing for a while now. He swayed back and forth, which he's also been doing for a while now, and then he rolled over. I'm not sure he realized what he had done, but I was sure happy and let him know it by praising him. It was pretty cool to see, so I thought I'd try to get it on camera, but he didn't want to perform. I guess that pushing probably took a lot of strength out of him, so when I put him on his back again, he just squawked and cried a bit and was generally just pissed off. I guess I shoulda known better. When I get video, I'll try to figure out how to get it onto the blog.

On the note of milestones, Owen has finally started grabbing at things and putting them... you guessed it, into his mouth. He's got a couple of favourites. One is the Whoosit. I attach it to the bar on his bouncy chair and he will grab hold of the hanging bits. He prefers to look at the back of the Whoosit, which has black and white concentric circles on it. He doesn't care as much for the frontside with the face, but soon enough this will be his favourite.

The other toy he likes to grab and hold is the Skwish. He can really wrap his fingers around the elastic and on Saturday he started grabbing with both hands and squeezing it. Hence the name, the skwish. The ball ends are small enough to fit inside his mouth, but big enough not to cause any trouble in there.

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