Friday, November 20, 2009

Long Walks

I had decided today that I should take the new (not so new now) stroller out for a real walk. Also, Kris and I had enjoyed a bottle of wine over the last few days that we had purchased from Kensington Wine Market and I wanted to pick up some more of it if I could. So, why not combine the two and walk to Kensington... so off in the stroller we went. We walked along the river on the way there, all the way to 10th Street. On the way we saw 4 loons, a HUGE mallard duck, and a flock of seagulls on the water. It was nice, if a little windy. The Flames cover really came in handy, and when Owen fell asleep - about 5 minutes after we started walking - I flipped the lid down and he had a really nice nap. I thought we would stop in at the Mom Store to pick up some new pacifiers for the little guy, since he's been having some trouble switching between the "daytime soother" - a latex Nuk, and the "nighttime soother" - a silicone Born Free - they are different shapes. By then, Owen had woken up and was gnawing on the soother with a little too much ferver so we had to stop at Starbucks for a coffee and milk :) Then off to KWM. People there thought he was pretty cute and he was fighting to stay awake as best he could, but the sleep finally got the better of him. I didn't find the wine I was looking for, but they were having a big sale, so I made due with a few other wines. It was a lovely day and the walk really did both of us well. I will have to do it again soon.

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