As I said in my previous post, I was told that Owen's old enough that he should be wearing daytime clothes. Up till this point, I've been putting him in sleepers, because that's what fit him. I don't want that person to feel guilty for what they said... I don't know, I've never done this before. So yesterday I went out and spent $70 on some "Big Boy Clothes for the boy. I figured I'd check out some second hand shops to try to save a little bit of money. Plus, he's busting out of clothes left and right these days. When I heard people say "I forgot how small they (babies) are. Enjoy it. They get big so fast," I didn't really get it. But now I do. He's a bruiser! He's 12 weeks today and already lots of 0-3 month clothes don't fit him. Anyway, I went to a store called Once Upon a Child - dangerous - I probably could have spent more. I don't feel bad though, most of the stuff was baby gap. I also found a car seat cover that is licenced Flames wear. Kris loves it. Now he can be a Flames fan every day we go out. And it was only $15. The downside is that on Sunday, I bought some fabric to make one... and spent more than that on the fabric. Now, I've got to figure out what else I can make.
Truth be told, I'm glad that the person said to dress him in big boy clothes... he is absolutely adorable in them.
Hey, I've added this to the blogs I visit on my blog! Its great that your doing this. I did it for the same reasons and now I find other people like it too! bonus! Thanks for sending it to us!