Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Trip planning, hardcore

We spent the better part if the day trying to organize things for the upcoming leg of our journey here in Europe. Funny, because I probably spent about a month organizing things for the first two weeks. So far we have worked out to take a train to the Italian-Swiss border, to a town called Tirano, where we will stay one night. From there we will take a scenic train called the Berninni Express through the Swiss Alps to Chur, again for a night, and then a high speed train to Paris. We have an apartment arranged in Paris until April 27th.

Although we didn't have the rest arranged, we figured that we should call KLM and tell them we would like to board the airplane in Amsterdam. Unfortunately, this was not to be. Although we are allowed to use the value of our existing ticket to purchase a new one out of Amsterdam, they have the prices so jacked up that it is impossible to do.

So we must return to Venice for a May 2nd flight at 7:05am. Nievely we thought we were, in a way, helping the situation, perhaps allowing some other passenger to use the Venice-Amsterdam leg to get home. The news reports say that more passengers have been displaced by the volcano than by 9-11, over 50,000. Even today, they are still not flying to England, Finland, and Norway.

Our host, Sebastiano, lent us his stroller to use and so we did do some cruising around.

The apartment is in the Santa Croce area and it is much prettier than where we were before. The canals are more quaint and the streets are filled with Venetians, not tourists. Perhaps if we had been here the whole time, we would have enjoyed Venezia a little more. Here is a photo from the window of our place.

During our planing, Owen had lots of time to spend on his tummy on a blanket. He did lots of playing and rolling over.

He even was able to take a nap in his bed again. It was a treat, I think, for everyone.

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