Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Owen and Europe

Today we had hoped to go to the Eiffel Tower. We took the train there, saw it, saw the line and thouht, we'll come back another day and maybe try to get advance tickets online. There was no one in the reservation line. More on this monument when we actually get in...

So instead, we headed over to Musse d'Orsay. The gallery houses impressionist artists works. We were there later in the day, so it wasn't very busy. We saw a bunch of Renior, most notably the garden party. Also there was an extensive collection of Monet - the Lillies and the one with the bridge. Also at this gallery were paintings by Van Gogh, including his self portrait.

Impressionist art is very different from the art we have seen so far on this trip. These artists were interested in conveying the feeling of a moment, capturing people being people, rather than trying to immitate reality. Their works are softer, a little abstract, maybe even blury. Everyone in the gallery stood so close to the paintings, but we discovered that they look amazing from afar. A clarity comes out in the work, as if they are one of those stereograms coming into focus. Particulaly the Van Gogh, whose choppy brush strokes make things appear sort of cartoonish up close. (not funny cartoons, but big and thick and unreal)

After the museum, we sat down for some more typical French fare - crepes. They were mediocre at best. Kinda soggy, with canned mushrooms and olives. I'm being polite. They were gross. Owen ate well though. He had some pretty chunky food, which he actually chewed.

As we sat there on the tiny street, a motorbike passed us. I've never seen it before, but Owen actually did a rubberneck, watching the bike race past. It's yet another example of how much he's grown over this trip.

On the metro, Owen did his best to get people to notice him. He squeals and a-goos, looking around for anyone to notice him. Hen he lays it on thick, with smiles, ahhs, and oohs. He is becoming quite the attention seeker. Maybe he will become an actor or something. He certainly has the charisma for it.

I was looking throught some of the pictures and ran across this one from our first night in Paris. We ate at a bar not far from our place. The server brought Owen a cookie. It was cinnamon or somthing. Probably the most flavourful thing he's ever had. He made a face, but after a bit I think he didn't mind it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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