Saturday, April 10, 2010

Piazzas, piazzas, and more piazzas

Silly me. When planing our days in bella Roma, I thought we would be able to see five or six things a day. That was when we were DINKs (dual income no kids). With Owen, we managed to see three if we were lucky. So today, we reassessed the places we still hadn't seen and headed off. We caught the tiniest bus (electric) to our first stop, Piazza Campo di Fiore, to see an Italian market. There was mostly produce, but also honey, some spices and olive oil, a stand with stovetop espresso makers and other sundry, and a t- shirt shop.

Oh yea, on our way to the market, we stopped at a women's clothing shop I saw yesterday. I bought 3 shirts.

We ate lunch at a mozzarella bar in the piazza - ate 3 different buffalo mozzarellas, with 3 different pestos. Street performers played saxophones, violins, and accordians. It was a nice relaxing start to the day.

Then it was off to Piazza Navona. There were some cool fountains at either end of the square. They were doing some restoration to the centre fountain, so we didn't get the greatest look at it.

The Scala di Spagna ( Spanish Steps) were next on the list. It was rife with tourists, like Trevi Fountain. We fed Owen at the base of the steps and I watched like a hawk for theives. There were some really pushy street merchants selling cut roses and bubble machines. We got out of there as fast as we could and climbed up to the top to see the view. It was spectacular, but the pictures don't do it justice.

Insert photo

After that we got back on the metro to find the last piazza, di Campidolio, near the Colosseum. It took some getting to, as we got sidetracked by an even bigger piazza, Piazza Venezia. There was a massive white building in the back of the piazza and in front, a massive traffic circle, which we watched for quite some time. I don't know what the rules were and there weren't any lines on the road and pedestrians walked in many spots around. Despite his, we didn't see anyone come even close to an accident. I guess when you live that close to everyone else, you figure out how to live in harmony.

We were very close again to the roman forum so we took a bunch of family photos, ate dinner, and came back home. For the first night, Owen was in bed by 9:00.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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