Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beer gartens

Yesterday, we took a train - two trains actually, to arrive in Munich. We had to make a connection in Stutguart. We had 8 minutes to get off one train and get on the other and we didn't know which car to get on. Needless to say, we missed the train. Thankfully, there was another, more direct, and thus faster train 20 minutes later. We sat at a bar at the station and drank a pint of Franziskaner beer. It was foggy and delicious. It helped with the stress.

We also drank German beer on the train. They serve it to you in a glass and you can take it back to your seat.

Our two room apartment is above a nice resturant about 15 minutes from the city center on the U-bahn. There's a room for Owen, and one for us with a bed and tv. No kitchenette. We ate a nice, traditional German meal in the resturant and drank more German beer.

Owen ate toast and made a mess of himself. He enjoyed every minute.

Today we headed for the city center to see what was up. We picked up a tourist map and saw there was a nearby market that has a beer garden. It was pretty cool. No fences or security like in beer gardens in Canada, they serve the beer in .5L or 1L glass jugs. Young people, old people, people in suits or leiderhosen. All sitting around having some pints. Some more than others, but all having a good time.

We did some walking around, saw some gothic buildings,

and a government building,

and then made our way to another beer garden. This one is in a famous inn. We ate more traditional Bavarian food and, you guessed it, drank more beer.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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