Monday, April 19, 2010

A change of pace

After eleven days in Italy, we have all decided that we need to slow down more. Maybe it's the change of scenery, for the third time this trip, or maybe it's the different way of life in Venice. You can't really be in a rush here. I didn't set an alarm this morning, nor did we have anywhere to be at any time. We didn't even really have a plan. Owen even took his first nap in his bed today since we still hadn't decided what to do.

In the end, we hopped the Vapporeto to Rialto market on a quest for a new purse. No luck there but I did buy a pretty necklace made of Murrano glass. Then we found our way to the Bascillica di San Marco. We were too late to get in though and they're doing a bunch of restoration in the square. We ate dinner and then made our way home on the Canale Grande.

We've seen a couple of pieces of art but haven't bought just yet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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