Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Little Swimmer

We started swimming lessons on Tuesday. I'd have written this post then, but things have been somewhat crazy. Anyway, it was really fun for both of us. I'm not sure what I expected the lesson to be...  There was some back floating, tummy floating, song singing, and "jumping" off of the edge of the pool - Owen standing on the edge, me pulling him into the pool. We were in the "big" pool, but in the shallow end, which meant that crouching, I could stay covered. The pool is heated, which was really nice for both of us. Owen didn't care much for the back float. At first, he seemed uneasy about having his ears under the water, and although he did relax a bit, his legs stayed straight up in the air the whole time he was on his back. It's gonna be hard to do a flutter when his feet aren't in the water. He really took to the front float though. It not that long, he was kicking and trying to dog paddle with his hands. He did swallow a little water when I wasn't careful about keeping his mouth out of the water. No biggie though. I really liked the song singing... I'm starting to run out of songs to sing to him and he really likes it when I sing. It seems to have a calming effect on him.

I remember thinking when I booked them that 30 minutes was a bit short, but that's all they really offered. But, by the end of the lesson, Owen was pretty tired, and somewhat cold... his lips were blue. We made our way into the wading kiddie pool after the lesson to warm up for a bit. Getting him and me rinsed off, dried and dressed was quite the affair. Basically, I dripped dry while I got Owen into clothes. He's never been in the water for as long as he was and his toes looked like little raisins. I tried to get a picture, but all I could get was this blury one... those feet have never stopped moving (hey Dee?)!

Afterward, while Owen had a nap, we went to Starbucks and after he woke up I took off his toque to find his hair looking like his mama's. Maybe he will have my crazy hair after all.

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