Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Once again a few days have passed since my last post. I will update on why in another post since I don't have a lot of time riht now. For now, I just want to write something quick about Owen's growing independence. We've been feeding him more solids since he seems to always be hungry and I'm having trouble keeping up with supply. Also, he seems to really like eating. Since he's been eating more, his poop has been a lot more solid, to the point where I worried he might get constipated. I saw him at it the other day and he really strained. Anyway, we bought him a training sippy cup since things weren't going very well with the regular one I have. He just couldn't figure it out. Today, after his mid-day meal, I filled it with water and made the sign for thirsty (we're trying to teach him sign language too) and then I put the cup down beside him. Wouldn't you know it, he picked the cup up by the handle, put it to his mouth and drank about 20 mL. He sure picks up new skills quickly when he's motivated.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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