Sunday, March 28, 2010

The continued quest to master rolling over

We reached another breakthrough today on the rolling over front. Although I am becoming increasingly resigned to the fact that Owen doesn't particularly like rolling over, I continue to press the issue, trying all sorts of things to encourage him to try. Today, I hit on something. I put Owen on his tummy and then pushed on the side of his head so he'd tilt it over and voilĂ , he pushed himself the rest of the way. He last couple of days his "quota" had gone steadily back down to once or twice and the frustration (for him and me, let's be honest) was starting to settle in. It was like he needed to be reminded of what to do. After that initial push, though, he must have rolled over 20 or 30 times. He barely let me put him onto his tummy befor he was trying to roll back. It was so much fun.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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