Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sitting up and other new and improved abilities

Owen is sitting up by himself! Not for a long time, but he can do it. He's been getting better at leaning forward and about a week or so ago, was able to brace himself upright with his hands (kind of like a tripod). I've been working on getting him to sit unassisted ever since, with some success. I'd love to be able to include some pictures, but one night when I tried to get a picture, he leaned back and cracked his head pretty hard on the floor... thankfully we have "19 lb" underlay, so it wasn't too hard on him... oops. He did cry though, mostly, I think, because he saw the look of shock on my face. It never gets boring seeing him learn how to do something for the first time.

In a way, it's opened up a floodgate of other abilities. He has been slowly grabbing himself lower and lower on his legs and I've been looking for him to grab onto his feet. With the gravity of his body, he easily grabs his feet while he sits. Of course, he's fascinated by them. The other thing that's new and improved is his ability to look for and reach out for things around him. With his head up higher, he can see more around him. Today, I had him sitting in front of me, braced somewhat between my legs (although I back off a bit so he's sitting on his own, but without the fear of him banging his head again). He looked around and saw the Whoozit barely within his reach. He reached out and grabbed for it. I had to help him out a little bit, but he eventually got a good grip and lifted it up to his mouth to take a taste.

His vocalizations have been getting better too. He's still pretty stuck on the razz, but he sometimes puts an "ahhh" before the spitting begins. He's really perfecting the razz, sticking his tongue out so he can really spray the spit. It often gets me in the face... no wonder my glasses have been so dirty lately. The new sound though is a mix between Ah-Ho and a fake laugh. He does it again and again and ends off with a nice razz. He must be practicing sentences.

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