Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Solid food

I must be being punished by someone out there who doesn't like it when I brag about Owen... Some of the ladies from our prenatal class have started a facebook page so we can stay connected and also discuss various things as they come up, compare notes... you know. All of our babies are at the age where you need to start feeding them solids and since Owen is one of the oldest in the group, he's got a lot of experience under his belt, relatively speaking. He's been such a good eater, taking pretty much everything I've given him and so I was singing his praises to on the facebook page. Well, let me tell you, since I did that, Owen has decided that he's not that into food anymore. At least, not for eating. Now, whenever I put something in his mouth he doesn't care for, he slurps at it, makes a face, and most of it ends up down the front of his bib. He's not even that into his cereal anymore. And he'd rather play after about 4 bites. You can imagine what happens when he does the razz with a mouth full of squash. His appetite seems to have really taken a nose dive. Last week he was eating about 3 tbsp of cereal and at least 2 tbsp of vegetables and/or meat. Now, I'm lucky to get 2 tbsp of cereal. I think part of his previous appetite was the 6 month growth spurt, but this new found decision making about what he likes and doesn't like is getting pretty frustrating. I hope he figures it out soon. I just went to the store and made up a BUNCH of new food for him, and it's now taking up valuable freezer space.

Nevertheless, I'm off today to buy a real high chair for Owen. He's been sitting in a travel booster that's really meant for a toddler up until now, and he's been banging his head on the wooden chair back, which makes him cry, and then he's really not interested in eating.

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