Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Rolling Over Quota

For the last week or so, Owen has decided that he can roll over. But, only under certain conditions. He does it only once a day, and mostly when mom isn't looking. I'd praise him anyway, but in the back of my mind I'd wonder if he thought I was praising him for laying on his back. He'd smile at me and I'd roll him back over onto his tummy after which he would whine and fuss and burry his face in the carpet/blanket until I'd either roll him over or pick him up.

Today, though, he exceeded his quota, rolling over 4 times in one "laying". The first time was pretty standard. I put him on his tummy, walked away to do a couple of quick dishes in the sink and while I was there, I heard some loud thumping, which turned out to be his hugely powerful legs bodyslamming themselves onto the floor. He was on his back! I put him back on his front and right away he tried to roll over so I got a chance to observe the technique. He tips his head way over to the side and follows with his arms. The hips and feet are the last to go. It looks somewhat awkward because his head is so big but at least he's not banging his head on the way over, which is what was happening before. Again and again he rolled over and was so pleased with himself. He was totally beaming.

I also snapped a pretty cute sitting picture today with my phone. He continues to get better at that too, sitting for longer and longer without falling to the side or backwards. Those feet are soooooo cute.

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