Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Who needs a baby gate when you have no stairs?

Owen tried to eat Maya's food today. And he would have been successful if he'd had about 10 seconds more. He actually had 2 kibbles in his mouth and one in his hand when I caught him. He must have thought they were cherrios.

He's been crawling about for a couple of days now... not actual 4 point crawling, but rather commando style, like he's some guerilla army guy. And wow, can he motor!

I've been racking my brain for another - higher - place for her food, but there really isn't one. And I don't want to encourage her to get up on the countertops any more than she already does. We tried to put her food in the pantry, but she flat out refused to go in there and eat. I think it's because the pantry is also her toilet. I can hardly blame her. No matter how clean my bathroom was, I wouldn't want to eat in there either.

So today I went on Kijiji to search for a gate.

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