Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day Hike

In years past, Kris and I have done hikes on Canada Day, the most memorable being an 18 km one in Waterton. This one was a lot less ambitious, only 5 km round trip, but it was Owen's first hike in the Rockies. The hike is called Grassi Lakes and is just west of Canmore. Grassi is named for a man named Lawrence Grassi, a stonecutter and trail maker who lived from 1890 - 1980. And he was an Italian! which I didn't know until I read the sign along the trail. There was a beautiful waterfall

and two lovely blue-green lakes.

At the top, there were lots of rock climbers.

Kris wore Owen on his back, which he didn't mind too much. After a while, he settled in to looking at the sights and listening to the sound of the water.

On the way down, he had a nap. So cute.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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