Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Step one, sell the condo

I'll start this post by saying two things:
  1. We listed our condo about a month ago... we are bursting at the seams. Owen needs space to roam around and his toys aren't getting any smaller. We've had a handful of showings, but I didn't expect much last weekend... in the midst of packing for the trip I got a call that there would be a showing. Hence why we didn't leave town until about 3pm.
  2. There is no cell service in Yoho... anywhere. Off the grid.
On the drive back into town, around Lake Louise, I figured I should check my messages. I had 2 voicemails and a text from Dave, our realtor. "We are getting an offer. Call me. Dave." I felt sick and excited and scared at the same time. The offer was for $387 900. Our list price was $399 800. We countered with $399 400, figuring they'd meed us a bit and end up somewhere around $398 000. They took our counter, but with a posession date of August 19. Wow!

As an aside, last August 19th, I was standing in the Indian takeout resturant picking up my birthday dinner when my water broke. Ran down my leg and onto the floor. Owen was born the next day.

Tuesday we looked at 9 properties in Kingsland, Haysboro and Chinook Park. Two were nice, but neither had everything we really want. We have decided not to settle, just because we're on a tight timeline. We can rent an apartment close to downtown for $1000 a month and store our stuff with a mover for $50. A small price to pay to get the home we will raise our kids in.

Tomorrow we are going to see a bunch more homes in Willow Park, Maple Ridge, and Lakeview... there are a couple in there we are really excited about. They look really nice in the pictures.

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