Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nice dinner with me ma

So the original plan was for mom to come over today and hang out with Owen and I. We would do some running around - cuz I know she loves it- and then home for Owen's nap. While he slept, we would make some food for him. Still loving the food, so much that the freezer is bare (for him, at least). Sadly - though not for her - she got a job and it started today. I did still manage to make a few things while he napped. A delicious turkey and veg medley, an apple parsnip carrot finger salad, and a red lentil rice and veg mix. Last time I made lentils they were yellow and he didn't care for them unless they were mixed with something. Hopefully he will like the red and mixed.

He's been doing a lot better at a few things, even since the weekend. His forward motion is crazy fast. Still commando style but man can he motor. And he's also much better at getting from sitting to crawling.

His walking is also much better. Now before you get all crazy thinking he's walking, he's not except when you hold him up. But he now willingly puts one foot in front of the other, which he didn't consistently do before.

I'm tired from chasing him around today. I really can't leave him alone for a second. He is fixated on the doors, opening and closing them, which is great except i've had to take off all the plastic ends so he doesn't try to eat them/choke on them. So the door is getting sorta wrecked. To be honest though, I can't be bothered to stop him. He's so into discovering how the door works that I cant bring myself to take him away from it.

He also continues to be enthralled with the lamp. Ive discovered that he cant actually tip the lamp over because the cord's too taut. The speaker stand however, is easy to topple and much heavier. He's brought it down on himself 3 or 4 times today. Thankfully, he didn't hurt himself too badly, bit it's just a matter of time.

I must admit I'm torn as to what to do in these sorts of situations. I've been experimenting with a little discipline: a firm "NO" and a redirect, but he doesn't seem to be getting the message. I can't tell whether he is trying to see if I mean it or is too young to understand. A small part of me thinks that if he hurts himself he'll learn his lesson. But I wonder if that's bordering on negligence. I hope I can walk the line.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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