Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rolling Over

The holidays have been so busy, I'm still trying to catch up on things I've wanted to blog about.

I looked at some video of Owen from August. Owen would have been a week old. It is wierd to see him so helpless. Even though his eyes were open, he barely looked at you, and he had no real control over his arms like he does now. I kind of miss how little he was back then. It made me realize just how MUCH he's changed in 4 months. And yet, at the same time as I miss how little he was, I'm impatient for him to reach the next milestone. How strange...

We drove home from Saskatoon on Saturday and again arrived around Owen's bed time. I didn't feel right about putting him to bed right away so before dressing him for bed, Kris and I played a little tummy time with the boy. After seeing him one time about a month ago naked on a towel before bath time rolling on his side by himself, I've discovered he likes tummy time better when he's naked. And since he was already stripped down, I figured it would be good to take advantage of the opportunity. Within 2 minutes, he had rolled over on his back! He hasn't rolled over unassisted since late October. We put him back on his back, and he rolled over again, this time to his left (the first time was to his right). And he did it a third time, again to his left. By then, he was too tired to do it again and kind of squawked to be put on his back.

I tried the naked tummy time again tonight, but he didn't roll over at all. I guess I'll wait a little longer for him to get closer to being a "big boy".

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