Monday, December 14, 2009

Owen slept last night in his crib. We've been trying to transition him for some time now, having him take naps in the crib, but we hadn't been so brave as to try to put him in there at night. Even though we knew he needed to go in there eventually, I think I was subconsiously wishing it wouldn't happen. It was just so sweet to hear him breathing at night as I fell asleep. And, even though we only have a small place, I worried that I wouldn't hear him if he cried at night. I even bought a baby monitor so that I could hear what was going on in there. I knew though, that it would be best for everyone if he went into his own room. We needed our bedroom back, and I'm sure we sort of woke him up when we came to bed each night. Still, last night I cried a little from missing him... and then had probably one of the soundest sleeps I've had since Owen's been born. He again slept straight through - 8pm to 8am. He stirred once around 10:30 last night and I thought, maybe this isn't such a good idea, but I sent Kris in there to help him out. He popped the soother back in, rubbed his side until he stopped struggling, and then left. We barely heard a peep out of him again through the night (Kris says he heard him on the monitor... I didn't hear a thing).

They grow up so fast. :)

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