Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas in Saskatoon

Owen did pretty well driving in the car. He loves to sleep in the car. Even if he's really awake, if I put him into his car seat and drive around, he's out like a light. The only thing that will wake him is his belly, and only when he's really hungry. We only stopped 2 times to feed - once in Hanna, and again in Rosetown. We got to Kris' sister's place in Warman at 8 pm Alberta time. Just in time for Owen's bedtime! I knew I'd have to give up the idea of a regular routine when we were there. Too much is already screwed up. Plus, there was way too much cuddling that the relatives would want to do before he could go to bed.

It was a really nice first night. We had a nice dinner and visiting. It is nice to be surrounded by family. Owen lasted until about 9:30 before he begged to be put to bed. I still don't really get that. How is it that you sleep all day and are still tired enough for bed at around the same time? The next day, Christmas Eve, Owen got to open an early Christmas gift - a Christmas themed sleeper. Perfect for waking up in to open gifts. Of course then we had to put him into the Christmas sweater. He actually helped out opening some of the gifts.

We ate Christmas dinner in Saskatoon, at the other sister's place. All I have to say is mmmm... turkey. Then we broke out some games - always a tradition when the "relies" (short for relatives) are over. This picture is from the previous night, where there were also games... Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the games on Christmas day.

Also a Christmas tradition is staying up very late and partaking of some libations :). Owen was pretty obliging. He slept through the whole thing.

Dec 26th, we woke up to do some quick Boxing Day shopping at Pier 1. They have some beautiful Christmas deco's and they're half off after Christmas. Then it was back on the road to Calgary. Again, Owen fed 2 times on the road back. Once in Kindersley, and then at a crossroads on some small Alberta highway, right beside what I'm pretty sure was a pig farm. It was pretty rank smelling. Thankfully, not much of the smell wafted in the car so long as the doors were closed. It was too cold for that anyway.

Merry Christmas!

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