Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Things I've noticed lately

I've been pretty lax about the posts lately, so I've compiled a few things I've noticed that I wanted to blog about.

I've noticed that Owen is:
  • way better at grabbing things. He transfers them from one hand to the other easier than he used to.
  • anticipating when something is going to happen. Like, when I'm coming in to tickle him, he will scrunch up his face. Or, when I'm going to give him a kiss on the cheek, he smiles before I plant it.
  • really, really, looking at things... and faces.
  • trying to sit up when he is in his vibrating chair. I know he would jump into my lap if he could.
  • sitting forward when he sits in my lap or on the pillow. He used to recline a lot more. He'll be sitting on his own before I know it.

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