Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's official - Owen is a thumb sucker

Not that there was ever any doubt for me, Owen is now actively sucking his thumb. And not just when he's sleeping. Yesterday, my mom was over to help out, which translates into mom holding and playing with Owen all day while I run around the house trying to catch up on chores. Anyway, he was in grandma's arms near the entrance to the kitchen and was a little upset at being ignored (by me, that is) and that's when it went in the mouth. He did that a couple of times yesterday and today he's done it even more frequently. I had a shower while he played in his bouncy chair and when he realized he couldn't find me - he doesn't yet understand that mommy's just behind the curtain - in went the thumb. He doesn't have 100% success with it yet. Just now, as I write this, he's sitting in his chair, a little upset, but can't seem to figure out how to make it better. I think it's sorta cute - the thumb sucking, that is. I'm not sure how Kris will feel about it.

Update: Kris thinks it's okay...

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