Sunday, January 24, 2010

Becoming a Big Boy

I see Owen every day and sometimes I forget to notice how quickly he changes.  Thankfully, I have people who come over less frequently and can remind me to notice.  Kris's mom was over for diner tonight.  She's been in town for about a week and come over a few times to visit us and hold Owen. She commented tonight on how much better he seems to be at holding things.  Having the chance to notice, he IS better at holding objects, turning them in his hands, transferring them between his two hands, and of course, putting them into his mouth.  Just today, I pulled a toy out of his toy box that he has never been that into and he played with it like it was his new favourite.  It's a dog-like creature with a bar that extends between it's two hands, some teething rings on the bar, and long ears that crinkle when you squish them.  He also is more aware of things around him.  He really seemed to be examining the dog as he played with it.  I could almost see a dialogue in his eyes - like he was saying, "I wonder what this part of the dog would be like to touch, to taste?"  It is so cool to see him become a person. 

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