Sunday, January 31, 2010

HD Video... the good and the bad.

Okay, so I've been trying all week to upload a video to show everyone, but alas, it's too big. It wants 4 hours to upload and I don't have that kind of time.

We started feeding Owen rice cereal on Monday. He was an expert! He took the first bite right away and diddn't look back. He ate a whole teaspoon of cereal in a tablespoon of breastmilk.

Throughout the week we've continued to feed him the same amount each evening. That way, dad can participate too. Dad gives bigger bites than mom, so i's a little messier. :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Becoming a Big Boy

I see Owen every day and sometimes I forget to notice how quickly he changes.  Thankfully, I have people who come over less frequently and can remind me to notice.  Kris's mom was over for diner tonight.  She's been in town for about a week and come over a few times to visit us and hold Owen. She commented tonight on how much better he seems to be at holding things.  Having the chance to notice, he IS better at holding objects, turning them in his hands, transferring them between his two hands, and of course, putting them into his mouth.  Just today, I pulled a toy out of his toy box that he has never been that into and he played with it like it was his new favourite.  It's a dog-like creature with a bar that extends between it's two hands, some teething rings on the bar, and long ears that crinkle when you squish them.  He also is more aware of things around him.  He really seemed to be examining the dog as he played with it.  I could almost see a dialogue in his eyes - like he was saying, "I wonder what this part of the dog would be like to touch, to taste?"  It is so cool to see him become a person. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's official - Owen is a thumb sucker

Not that there was ever any doubt for me, Owen is now actively sucking his thumb. And not just when he's sleeping. Yesterday, my mom was over to help out, which translates into mom holding and playing with Owen all day while I run around the house trying to catch up on chores. Anyway, he was in grandma's arms near the entrance to the kitchen and was a little upset at being ignored (by me, that is) and that's when it went in the mouth. He did that a couple of times yesterday and today he's done it even more frequently. I had a shower while he played in his bouncy chair and when he realized he couldn't find me - he doesn't yet understand that mommy's just behind the curtain - in went the thumb. He doesn't have 100% success with it yet. Just now, as I write this, he's sitting in his chair, a little upset, but can't seem to figure out how to make it better. I think it's sorta cute - the thumb sucking, that is. I'm not sure how Kris will feel about it.

Update: Kris thinks it's okay...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back in business!

had a minor hiccup with my computer... it wouldn't turn on... hence the reason for no posts. But we're back now. For those of you who need an Owen fix (who doesn't?), here are some new photos.

Monday, January 4, 2010

4 Month Vaccinations

We just got back from our 4 month vaccinations. I have to say, he did pretty well. Much better than the 2 month ones, where he wailed like he'd never wailed before. Really. Like not even when he was born did he cry as hard as the 2 month vaccinations. I nearly cried myself, it was so traumatic. But 4 months were a cinch compared. Sure, he cried, but not as bad. Now, he's just sleeping it off. What a good little man.